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Premier League, Champions League, and MLS matches rated with AI. Spoiler-free.

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Nilnil - Spoiler-free match ratings for stream-later fans | Product Hunt
Rated with AI
Rated with AI
Rated with AI
Rated with AI
Rated with AI
Rated with AI

A simple rating tells you if a match is worth your time

Think of it like ‘Rotten Tomatoes for Premier League Football matches’.

“I'm thrilled to tell whomever... or is it “whoever”?... no idea. Anywhome... If you’re reading this, just know that Nilnil has completely changed the way I enjoy football matches. It's a real game-changer. Whether you're a fan of high-scoring thrillers or nail-biting defensive battles, Nilnil will suggest matches that are sure to get your heart racing.”

Ted Lasso

Gaffer, AFC Richmond

“Whether you're a hardcore fan/owner/entrepreneur/superhero like me or a casual observer, think of Nilnil as your footy guru. I use it to avoid score spoilers like I avoid lunch dates with Hugh Jackman. I've been trying to get them to add support for curling, but they won't return my calls.”

Ryan Reynolds

Owner, Wrexham A.F.C.

Don’t miss certified golden matches

Crazy goals. Comebacks. Drama. Look for Certified Golden matches to catch the absolute best the prem has to offer.

Frequently asked questions

Here’s some things that may have crossed your mind. Get in touch if you have any questions.

Can I watch matches on Nilnil?

Nope! We recommend which matches are worth watching then link to them. You'll still need to watch your soccer on PeacockTV, YoutubeTV, Fubo, or wherever you normally stream.

How does the rating work?

After a match takes place, we look at everything that happened. All of the stats from the match get thrown into our rating engine and a simple rating is produced. For example, matches with goals typically have a higher rating than matches that end in ... wait for it .. nil-nil.

What if I don't agree with the rating?

We'll be introducing upvoting and downvoting soon so you can help us improve the ratings.

WTF is this and who made it?

We're huge Premier League soccer fans and we don't get to watch the matches live. We wanted something that would recommend which matches we should watch without spoiling scores.

On match days, if you even so much as Google your team, you're done. Score spoiled. What's the point in watching if you already know the outcome?

We resorted to turning off all notifications and navigating to our preferred match while shielding parts of the screen. When that wasn't enough, we'd simply ask family and friends "is this match worth watching?" We built this to save our loved ones from having to answer that for us. After all, we put them through enough already.